I will just sum up the last couple months with a little preview... followed by ALOT of pictures :)
-May: Started out normal (as normal as life is at 8 months pregnant!). My sisters, Mom and Andrea gave me the best shower with amazing food, friends and gifts! I even got a FUN surprise visit when Suzanne showed up totally unexpected! It was such fun :) Three days after my shower and 4 weeks early, Miss Ella Mae Johnson decided to make her entrance, and a grand one that is! After emergency gallbladder surgery and a horrific (to say the least) labor and delivery, I gave birth to my beautiful, perfect baby girl on 5/14/2010! For being 4 weeks early she did great! She was born on a Friday and we got to go home on Sunday.. that seems like a short stay you ask? NO.. Mommy had been in the hospital since the Tuesday before, so I was ready to go home!!!!
- June: Was a pretty chilled out month, I got to be home with the kids so that was wonderful! We made a little trip to Vegas to see Grandma and Grandpa Johnson, Aunt Leslie and family, and Joey and Andrea.. they all got to meet Ella for the first time! It was a fun trip.. we got to swim with the Motts and hang out with family, and even have fight night with Les and her family... quick and fun! Jeff also started summer school this month.. needless to say, NEVER AGAIN will anyone in this house do summer school :) This month, we also got Ellas newborn pictures and family pictures done.. I think both turned out great!!!
-July: 3rd, we wer able to go to Trevors baptism in Vegas and while we were there, we blessed ella at the same time. It was so fun to have the whole family there, including the Johnson's to share our day! That night, we joined in on fight night at Leslie and Brads and ate lots of good food and enjoyed lots of good company! On the 4th of July, we went to the parade and had a BBQ and fireworks that night, nothing too grand, but fun enough for us! On the 20th of July, I went back to work part time.. Its been hard, but such is life, right??!
-August: has brought us HOT weather and lots of summer days by the pool! We swim almost everyday! We celebrate my parents birthdays this month. I am so grateful for them and their presence in my kids life! I am so fortunate to have aging parents in good health! I dont know what my kids would do without them.. or me too for that matter! Jeff and I start back at school this next week.. He is continuing his nursing and I am headed for the dental Hygiene program.. it will be a long road to hoe, but in the end I am assured it will be worth it!
One last thing... I want to take a little space and focus on my little precious boy... JJ is the BOMB! I love this kid with all of my heart, in fact, my heart is overfilled with love when I look at him. So much attention has been on Ella these last couple months, and this kid has just joined in on the love and attention towards her! He has not showed one ounce of jealousy towards her, he loves her as much as I do I think! He is so protective and loving and thinks the world of her.. He is such a special spirit, and I just marvel at the fact that Heavenly Father found me worthy to care for and raise him. I can only hope I do this kid justice, he is truely one in a million!!!!
As for my Ella girl.. I never thought I would want a girl. And then I saw her! She is my whole world! I cannot remember life without her, everytime I look at her I am floored at her beauty.. her big eyes, her sweet lips and her HUGE spirit! She was surely sent straight from the loving arms of our Heavenly Father! I cannot wait to see who she becomes, I know she has one awesome big brother to help her along the way!!
Thats all for now.. I would really like to see myself get better at posting, I really want this to be a journal for my children one day to look back on and see all of the fun ( and not so fun )things our family has done! Followed are all the pictures that go along with the above :) Enjoy!