Thursday, June 25, 2009


To the man who brought us Thriller and, along with it, THE most popular song of the 80's.. To the wierdo who swore his white kids were really his "biological' children.. To the man who was born black and then died white... To the worlds best dancer, and the recipient of the "Millenium" award ( who, by the way, will be the only winner of that one in our lifetime!)... To the man who sang and performed the worlds most popular music..To the man who can be identified before the 2nd note of any on of his songs... To the wierdee who hung his kids over a balcony and dressed them all, as well as himself, in the most popular middle eastern fashions... To the man who loved children (which, usually got him into a little trouble)... To the man who was born with a nose, and died without one.. To the man who started the "having a little man next to you hold your umbrella" trend ( P. Diddy thanks you for that one)... and last but not least...

To the King Of Pop.....
Rest in Peace!


VivaLasFloyds said...

sad situation but that was funny!

Rob and Toni said...

Sweet post! Anywho I saw Jeff today and I waved, but I'm not sure he recognized me. He was turning into the river road hospital in a van. Anyways I hope all is well.

The Johnson Five said... crack me up! I was bustin a gut!! AMEN sista!

Brad and Leslie said...

I read this right after you posted it, buy I am horrible at commenting. It made me laugh just as hard the 2nd time I read it...

Anonymous said...

hey, i just wanted to tell you that your comment made me want to cry! I wanted to have another baby right after trace... but, as you can tell it just didnt work out that way. I had one miscarrage. and then finally 5 1/2 years later we were expecting Talan. I truly believe that no matter the size of the age gap having 2 kids is hard! but let me tell you that I appreciate your comment. because I try I really do to make my house as pleasant as possible... and 9 times out of 10 it isnt. keep trying honey, and whatever is suppose to happen will happen! Just make sure you are enjoying the little guy that you do have bacause he is really cute!!! (but trust me, I want another one too!!)