Monday, July 7, 2008

An update......

Hey everyone... It's been a while since I have visited the blogging world! A lot has been going on in our little family, so here goes!

1. I am SOO proud of my husband because last Saturday he took the GED test and passed with flying colors! He is so excited, and now feels like there are so many more options open for him! He is totally excited to start the road to law enforcment and cannot wait until he can quit his job and do what he has always wanted to do! Yea...GO JEFF!

2. Being the idiot that I am, I thought that it would be a good idea to rock my child to sleep with a bottle every night since the day he was born, and as of late, I really put on my stupid hat and thought that instead of feeding him a bottle while rocking him back to sleep in the middle of the night (Yes, my 18 month old does not yet sleep through the night, lucky me, I know), I would just bring him into bed with us until he fell back asleep and put him back into his crib until morning.....Well, just as I was beggining to think this was a good idea, I realized that every night at 4:30 AM he was waking up and expecting to be brought into bed with mom and dad. In comes "THE CONTROLLED CRYING METHOD"... Thank God for! So.......

3. Since putting this method to use ( you do a strict nightly routine, no bottles to sleep!, and you put them in the crib awake).. it has actually started working! After only three LOOOONG days and nights ( you use the method for naps to!).. Here is our new nightly schedule..

8:30 p.m bottle time.. he gets his bottle just like a normal drink, as soon as he is done with his bottle....
8:45 p.m into the bath.. this method calls for 5-10 min baths and NO TOYS!
9:00 p.m. Story time for 15 mintues
9:15 Into the crib and we say good night!
Then you go into the room every 10 minutes to let them know you are there and walk out of the room... you do this every 10 mintues until they are alseep!

The first night, he cried for 1 hr and 47 min, and I went in the room 11 times until he fell asleep
The second night, he cried for 45 minutes and I went in the room 4 times.
The third night, he cried for 20 minutes, I went in the room twice and...
TONIGHT... he cried for 10 mintues and I only went in once!!!
O, yes and funny enough....he no longer wakes up in the middle of the night! My sleeping life is back :)

4. I got to go to Vegas and see my niece get baptized.. love ya Zoe! We had such a good time seeing family and friends, and just taking a nice day trip back home was nice!

5. Since my hubby will be taking a pretty big pay cut going to train and get on with the County as a corrections officer, I will be taking on full time work again. No luck finding a job yet, but I will surely need some moral support having to take my little man to day care! He has never been away from me, who knows, maybe it will be good for the both of us!

Until next blog!


Suzanne said...

Hey Lenzi....I was searching blogs and was able to find yours! Your little boy is getting so big and adorable of course. Glad Super Nanny was able to help ya...I love that show!


Brad and Leslie said...

Hey - e-mail me the code to your back ground. The CBOTB's web site is down and my PYZAM background is way ugly. See you later on this afternoon - Lisa mentioned going to see Wall-E tonight since she is working and wants to see the kids. What time do you think Jeff will get home?

Anonymous said...

Good job Super Nanny! Sorry you were up so late reading that blog. I tell you ... I am a changed mother forever after reading her blog! she is my new hero!

Brad and Leslie said...

Let me know how your interviews went today. I would call, but I don't want to screw up your Super Nanny routine! :) JK - If I don't answer, I'll call you tomorrow. I was away from my hubby last night after all....I know - TMI!

Mandy said...

yea for sleeping through the night!
congrats to your husband for passing his ged. thats awesome.
good luck on the job hunt. i may be doing that in a couple of months...not looking forward to it. :(

Dj,Megs & 5 Beautiful kids said...

Hey Lenzi! This is Megan Meis. I found your blog through bridget. Now we can keep updated with each other. I can't believe that our boys are getting so big.